Friday, May 26, 2006

Form of godliness

"Having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!"
2 Tim 3:5

Was praying and this verse came so alive to me... was wondering why such a verse? What does it really mean to me? As I was meditating over the word, God began to reveal to me more about the verse.
We all may be attending church, cell groups, bible studies and even prayer meetings; all these activities are good and necessary and when we attend, its like a form of godliness within us. However if nothing births forth or results in it, then we are just performing a religious activity.
All the above mentioned activities are spiritual activities and must be depended on the Holy Spirit but yet many a times we go through it without that dependence but on the reliance of our own strength and ability. By doing so, we deny the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the meeting, and like the verse says, people will begin to turn away and find other sources of spiritual nourishment.
So let us rise up! And heed the call of our Lord! To move in the Spirit in all things! The Holy Spirit lubricates and makes things easy for us... it is only when we use our own strength that we struggle and find it hard to acheive results. Breakthough that gate of bronze....breakthrough that fallow ground.... breakthrough that dimunitive mindset... And set dreaming big dreams... Just as God commanded Abraham to Get out.... we got to Get out of our small mindset and pray and travail....and birth the people into the kingdom....
Let us Arise and Build the Church! Arise and Build the Sub-Zone! Arise and Build the Cell group!
Let us Arise and Build! Onward! Onward! Onward!
Carpe Diem!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Stone or Flesh?

2 Cor 3:2-3
You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink by by the spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on the tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.

Ezek 36:26
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

Stone or Flesh? what is the condition of your heart here today? Is your heart in the condition liken to that of a Stone or that to Flesh?

The Stone talks to us about hardness and unmoving. Is that what your heart is like? So unloving? So bitter? So critical? So indifferent? So negative? We are all not meant to have a heart of stone but one which is full of life like the flesh.

The flesh is moving, blood flows through it signifying life is flowing through it, it shows that we are dynamic and always on the go, although easy to get hurt, it is also easy to forgive.

So which heart do you want? For me? I would choose the heart of Flesh, so as I can hear the voice, feel the warm embrace of God and I can in turn trust God to use me to administer love to the people. To be a blessing to the community, to be a blessing to society.

So if you have a heart of stone, pray to the Lord for a heart of Flesh, move on from a bitter one to a better one. Pray for the softening of your heart, so that God can use you as a yielded vessel to serve His purpose and will and to use you to administer His agape love.

So what do You want? You decide... A heart of Stone or a heart of Flesh

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Purpose... a simple word, yet many people's future and destiny hinges on them. And the sadest fact of it is that many people dont even realized that they are living an aimless, mediocre life. To realize at the age of 40 that you have wasted the first half of you life is really a sad sight, but yet, this is the reality befalling many people here today.

Let us be a person of purpose! Let us have a vision to run for! A race to run and a goal to attain! Let us not waste our life this year!

So ask yourself this.. What is your purpose for your existance? Will you make a difference? Have you made an impact in the lives of the people around you?

Lets rise up to the Upward Call of God! LEts run the race.. Together.. And make a difference in the lives of the people around us.. LEt this be our purpose! To do the will of God in our generation!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

How much pain your heart can take?

How much pain can a person's heart take? I am not talking about the physical pain which our frail heart can take, but about the heart break in which our heart can experience. At the beginning of the year, was going through some emotional problems and all and felt my heart aching a fair bit. Was just wondering, why would the heart be pain and grief? Is there a scientific explanation for this?

Anyway, I was just thinking, if emotional heartaches could casue one's heart to feel much pain, just imagine how much pain we inflicted upon Jesus and the Holy Spirit everytime we commit a sin. Bible says that the Holy Spirit grieves..... hmm.... imagine the agony we casued Him. Really really heart wrenching stuff here... imagine you are so deeply in love with someone and you went through heaven and hell to be with that person and at the end of the day..-bam- breakup! can you imagine the emotional trauma and pain that you will be going through. Take that pain and multiply it by 100, thats the pain the Holy Spirit will be feeling everytime we grieve Him.

To take it further, how about when you are together with someone for eternity, and you do everything together, basically inseperable, and all of a sudden, seperation occurs. The heart will ache so badly that you would just want to die! But yet that is how Jesus felt when He took upon all the sins of humanity upon His shoulders and casue Father God to turn away and for a moment for God to reject Him. The anguish and the pain Jesus felt must have been excruciating to be seperated from the one He have been with since the beginning. The pain Jesus had to suffer at that moment, was more painful then the scourging done by the roman soldiers. But for the call of His life, He have to go to the cross and endure the most painful pain He could ever have felt.

So, how much pain can your heart take? Jesus went through the greatest heartbreak and is reunited with Father God, so please dont make Him go back to the cross again for another heart break! So think twice before sinning! The heartbreaks of the Holy Spirit and Jesus are indeed unbearable!

So can our heart take the pain?

Friday, February 17, 2006

What is your message for this year?

Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."
Matthew 9:17
We all need a new wine skin to be pour our new wine into. Just as our previous revelation is for a previous circumstance, we need a revelation for our current circumstance. To think that the rhema which God gave to us for a previous circumstance can work again is foolhardy, as the rhema is for a specific situation, hence we need to seek the Lord continually to receive the word. Every new year, requires a new consecration a new anointing a new revelation. Every new month, every new week, every new day requires a fresh oil from heaven to fill us.
Hence, i am constantly thinking... what revelation is the Lord giving to me this year... what is the message in which the Lord wants me to carry this year... I guess... the burden which came upon me this year was not to let the youths waste their year away on prodigal living, but to build their lives on the strong foundations of Jesus.
So what is your message for this year?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Carpe Diem

This year will be a year full of challenges, but hey! which year isnt! so Seize the Day! That will be my aim for this year