Friday, May 26, 2006

Form of godliness

"Having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!"
2 Tim 3:5

Was praying and this verse came so alive to me... was wondering why such a verse? What does it really mean to me? As I was meditating over the word, God began to reveal to me more about the verse.
We all may be attending church, cell groups, bible studies and even prayer meetings; all these activities are good and necessary and when we attend, its like a form of godliness within us. However if nothing births forth or results in it, then we are just performing a religious activity.
All the above mentioned activities are spiritual activities and must be depended on the Holy Spirit but yet many a times we go through it without that dependence but on the reliance of our own strength and ability. By doing so, we deny the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the meeting, and like the verse says, people will begin to turn away and find other sources of spiritual nourishment.
So let us rise up! And heed the call of our Lord! To move in the Spirit in all things! The Holy Spirit lubricates and makes things easy for us... it is only when we use our own strength that we struggle and find it hard to acheive results. Breakthough that gate of bronze....breakthrough that fallow ground.... breakthrough that dimunitive mindset... And set dreaming big dreams... Just as God commanded Abraham to Get out.... we got to Get out of our small mindset and pray and travail....and birth the people into the kingdom....
Let us Arise and Build the Church! Arise and Build the Sub-Zone! Arise and Build the Cell group!
Let us Arise and Build! Onward! Onward! Onward!
Carpe Diem!